Sunday, September 1, 2024

Happy Abstract Art

 I have another business I thought I should tell you about.  Recently I have got into creating art.  It is called Pour Painting.  I have links listed on which you can follow on the YouTube to watch how it is done.  You can also view many of the works I have been showing at libraries and galleries/restaurants.  Scroll down and check them out.  Here below is one my wife did which I call Dragon Wings.  If you would like a custom work done for your office or home just let me know.  Another alternative would be to create something yourself.  My goal is to teach others how to do the same thing for themselves and family.  Or even sell if they chose!  More than anything however is the fun you can have doing it!

Henry Grover Jr.

Affiliate Product links

 I will be talking about many of the products I have discovered over the last 44 years that I have been cleaning windows.  Such products will be listed with links on the side bar here on this blog.  I will be writing about each and demonstrating how they work with a touch of chemistry and physics thrown in.  But not too much.

I am also working on some unique products that I will own and will be marketing through a distributor.  Hoping this helps with your work.  Not to be left out will be answers to questions regarding certain problem jobs you might be working on.  The Glass Smart YouTube Channel will also continue.

You will find below the official Glass Smart Products Logo.