Thursday, October 24, 2013

Green Product Development

As I continue to work on developing different products for Window Cleaners I have chosen to focus on ingredients and materials that do as little harm to the environment as possible. This will likely require that I divert my attention from the halogens to carbon based technologies.  Essentially the chemistry of life! Although it will also lead me down a trail that will teach me about all of the elements.  Even elements such as erbium and gallium.  They are all here on this planet for a reason.  Even arsenic.  Yet they are bound up with other elements in minerals buried in the ground.  Released over many years into the water.  People have sped this up by burning carbon based fuels.  Which have created acid rain.  This falls to the Earth, seeping into the ground, and breaks up the minerals there.  That releases elements such as arsenic and mercury from the natural mineral compounds that have kept them safely bound up for millions of years.  Once released they react with and become a part of the chemistry of life.  That leads to death.

The first step would be to determine exactly what I want to do.  Then to look at the planet to see how nature is doing the same thing.  Or if there are "things" out there that can be used for this purpose which will break down in a short enough time so they can be reabsorbed into the natural ecological order. Another concern would be how certain chemicals might affect the soil.  Since dirt or humus is actually alive with millions of different bacteria and fungi, it is critically important to consider how our chemicals would affect these.  When Jehovah created this world he did it in such a way that everything is finely balanced.  Our bodies are loaded with bacteria as an example.  However when we move one bacteria to a place in the body that it is not supposed to be, that bacteria can cause disease and even death.  The same is true of the ecosystem.  Since our Earth is like one huge organism.

This new way of creating products actually excites me because it will demand that I learn more about the ecology of the planet. I have a book I just picked up on Water.  Which the writer calls the blood of the Earth.  Interestingly enough when people began polluting the planet they began with the air and the rivers, lakes, and oceans.  Now the oceans are polluted with particles of plastic waste.  There is a reason we have sand.  It naturally cleans water.  But there are chemicals we can put in water that sand will not filter out. Water molecules can be broken down and reformed.  But they don't necessarily do this in nature. Water molecules are actually billions of years old.  The water molecules that you have in your body today were likely used by at least one other creature at some time in the past.  Maybe many creatures.  Likely even worms long ago dead and gone.  

If you study different Material Safety Data Sheets you will learn that certain ingredients do not have to be listed and identified with their Chemical Abstract Service Registry numbers if they are less than 1 percent of the overall mix or product.  That means over time literally millions of pounds of toxic chemicals can be dumped into the environment without any legal consequence to the manufacturers.  But there is of course a consequence to the ecosystem.  One that could have a direct effect on the health and life of those people, animals, insects, and bacteria living in that area.  Although now pollution has traveled around the globe.  So we experience the results of pollution on the other side of the planet.

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Written By Henry Grover Jr.

For product sales

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