Friday, May 13, 2016

Soap n Seal Glass Cleaner New Product

This is a transformer product.  It is unlike any other glass cleaner in that it cleans and seals windows with a hydrophobic organosilane.  When applied even in the pouring rain it becomes instantly effective.  So when you soap a window with your applicator the OS reacts with the free oxygens of the glass leaving the organic, chain part of the molecule hanging off. This is the hydrophobic end that pushes water away creating a water shield.

You can use Glass Gleam, Dawn, Joy, or most any other synthetic detergent or commercial glass cleaner.  Then add just a very little bit of the OS to your bucket.  Now you are ready. You have a water based cleaner/sealer.  So you can soap and seal at the same time.  No extra time needed.
Transformer products are not commercial products.  You buy the ingredients yourself and put them together.  So your formula is your formula.  No one else has to know what it is. This gives you the edge.
I do not sell any of the ingredients.  You can buy the ingredients yourself directly from the ingredient manufacturers/sales companies.  You might even create a formula or a product that I haven't yet come up with.

All I sell is a newsletter called the "Glass Smart Product Development Review".  Each issue is 35 dollars and is a complete turnkey.  It contains all the information you need to create the product.

Written by Henry Grover Jr.

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