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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Stop Scratching Glass!

I know I am going to get some negative feedback from this post. But I really feel it needs to be written.  There are too many innocent Window Cleaners who have fallen victim to the indifferent attitude of glass manufacturers.  Tempered glass surfaces are almost always defective these days.  The tempering fabricators simply don't care cuz the defects cannot be seen.  It is only the Window Cleaners that end up suffering the repercussions of such poor surfaces.  And what are we to them? Pimples on the butt of a bug on someones butt.  Tempered glass will likely get worse.  So we need to be prepared with knowledge.  And pass this knowledge to everyone we can. Especially General Contractors.  We might never win the war. But we can win a few wars along the way if we can turn some tempered glass BACK to the factories.  For this to happen we need to start testing tempered glass BEFORE it is installed.  To accomplish this we MUST educate, educate, educate.  Lets start with our own companies.

First we need to know that all fabrication debris issues are not the same.  The sound alone will tell you that.  Sometimes when you use a metal razor on tempered glass it wants to drag.  The glass is not smooth.  No scratches can be seen however.  But when you look at the window in the bright sunlight, at just the right angle you will see waves of zillions of almost microscopic scratches. This condition can bring on a lawsuit.  Or.  The scratches might be very light, easily seen, and cover the entire plate.  Other times the scratches can be very light but not great in number.  Then too they might be rather heavy and deep. Covering the entire plate.  They could also be deep but very few in number.  Also there could be anything in between what I have described here.  The sound of fabrication debris when scraped is always different if the scratch ID pattern is different. It is difficult to know when we are working on defective tempered glass most times because the sound is different.  It is also true that many times larger Window Cleaning companies do not have the advantage of using employees that are educated well enough regarding defective tempered glass.

Another misunderstanding I believe has to do with the fact that metal razor blades are NOT the only tool that will dislodge the fabrication debris which is what leaves the scratches.  I have seen scratches caused by Fab Debris moved by 0000 steel wool, plastic scrapers, and other tools and processes.  So many Window Cleaners believe that if they are NOT using razor blades they are safe.  This is simply NOT true.  Again this fact brings us back to what I believe is the true reason for scratched glass.  That being defective surfaces and fabrication debris on tempered glass.

I used to believe that a blind window cleaner had a serious handicap.  Most of you would probably agree with me.  Now I also believe that a deaf Window Cleaner is seriously handicapped.  We must train our ears, and our fingertips. Thank you Chris and Alex Lambrinides for this video.

I know from my 35 years cleaning windows that I am relatively safe when working on tempered glass.  Although I have made mistakes from poor judgement.  As tempered glass becomes more problematic the challenge of cleaning it will become greater.  And the burden will likely always be on the Window Cleaner.  In my opinion.

So.  I am first of all in favor of the waiver.  I am also in favor of self education.  Also educating every employee in the company. Also educating all of our customers and potential customers. Especially General Contractors and anyone who sells or installs windows.  I am very much in favor of looking for alternatives to the use of anything that could potentially remove and drag FB creating scratches.  Such alternatives might include composition abrasives with a hardness much less then glass.  Or certain very powerful organic solvents.  Or special chemicals, maybe acids that will safely remove concrete and or stucco. These alternatives are one thing I am working on as I research commercial products and develop my own transformer products.  My findings will be reported on in my e-newsletter the Product Development Review.  All chemicals, ingredients, formulas, and product names, and addresses will be given. Along with regular email updates/reports throughout the month.  The PDR is available for 35 dollars per monthly issue. Just send me an email.  And I will send the PDF by email attachment.  Then a PayPal bill in another email.  The August issue is entitled Orange Power.  It is focused on naturally occurring green organic solvents.

Written by Henry Grover Jr.

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Unknown said...

شركة تنظيف خزانات بالمدينة المنورة

اذا كنت تبحث عن افضل شركة تنظيف خزانات بالمدينة المنورة
نحن شركة فرسان الخليج شركة غسيل خزانات بالمدينة المنورة
,تنظيف خزانات بالمدينة المنورة
نقدم عروض خاصة جدا و اسعار خاصة جدا لكل عملائنا الحاليين و الجدد
مع افضل فريق متخصص في غسيل خزانات , عزل خزانات بالمدينة المنورة
لضمان افضل نتيجة مع اقوي مواد التنظيف و احدث تقنيات العزل
التي لا تضر المياة

شركة غسيل خزانات بالمدينة المنورة

اتصلوا بنا

elmnzel said...

شركة نقل عفش بالدمام

اذا كنت تبحث عن الخبرة و تواجهك فكرة التنقل من منزل الي اخر فنحن نوفر لك كل الخبرة و الامان علي جميع العفش
نحن شركة المنزل شركة نقل عفش بالدمام لدينا من الخبرة ما يكفي ليجعلنا رواد هذا المجال بالدمام
شركة المنزل تمتلك اكبر فريق متخصص في فك و تركيب اي قطعة في العفش
و نقلها الي احدث سياراتنا المجهزة لنقل العفش و المقسمة لجميع الاغراض و توصيلها من الباب للباب
شركة المنزل شركة نقل اثاث بالدمام تقدم اكبر عروض الاسعار بالدمام

نقل اثاث بالدمام

Anonymous said...

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شركة رش مبيدات بيبنع

MANOOOL said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
شركة رواد الحرمين said...

شركه عزل فوم بالرياض
أيضاً تسبب في سقوط الطلاء وظهور التشققات، ولكن من الآن لا داعي
للقلق لأن شركة عزل أسطح تقدم لعملائها الكرام في كافة أنحاء المملكة العربية السعودية .
افضل شركة عزل أسطح

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ابو خوخه said...

ارقام شركات تنظيف بالاحساء