Thursday, January 17, 2019

How I Made 500 Bux in One Hour and You Can Too!

There are buildings all over the world that have thousands of square feet of glass that have been damaged by hard water stains, etching from the inadvertent use of acids, scratch sensitive surfaces, chemically altered low e coatings, and so much more.  With the right knowledge and experience Window Cleaners can act as "Field Techs".  The people you will work for could even become your customers.  Or not.  But if a "surface repair" is possible, you will be the first one to be asked to do the job.  If you do this in reverse you end up giving away your time, knowledge, and experience.  Further you might not even get the job.

One of many consulting jobs I was referred to was a high rise building.  The owner had windows that were badly stained.  It was a window cleaner that referred me as is usually the case.  The owner did not know where the stains had come from.  Especially since the building was only four years old.  Another mystery was why only half the windows were stained.  Which is also usually the case.  The owner also needed to know how to safely remove the stains, and how to keep them from coming back.  When I arrived at the building I was there about fifteen minutes early so I had some time to look around.  In that amount of time I had all the answers.  I also was able to learn that the windows had a nearly invisible first surface low e coating.  This demonstrates how lacking in knowledge building owners, property maintenance managers, and yes even architects are.  Not to mention real estate agents and brokers, lawyers, janitorial companies, and even other window cleaners.

The concrete exterior facade and glass are both flush so that the rain leaches from the concrete over the glass

When the people arrived that I was scheduled to meet with I was able to explain everything to them.  Then I took about twenty minutes and did a quick demonstration showing how the stains could be easily and completely removed.  This had already been attempted with only 80% success.  I drove away feeling very happy.  When home I took another fifteen minutes to write up a report in an email and sent it off with a bill for five hundred bux.  A month later I got the check.  Usually I get paid the day of the job.  But this was somewhat more complicated because it was a very large company.

I have done many jobs similar to this one over the last twenty five years.  All of them were very profitable.  Never have I been able to make as much money in the same amount of time cleaning windows.  The people I have worked for have always been very appreciative.

Written by Henry Grover Jr.

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1 comment:

  1. What percentage of the payout are you asking for your consult time?
