The focus of this post is just glass. I am not talking about coatings of any kind. Glass itself (even when it is perfectly clean without any mineral deposits) can have different surfaces. Over the years I have found that razor blades will either slide across a surface with incredible ease, or drag like you were moving across a hard wooden surface. Then there is anything in between. So I have got into the habit of first listening to see if the surface is defective tempered glass. Henceforth I am NOT going to use the term Fabrication Debris. Cuz I simply don't know if this is indeed NOT a lie. Fabricated by very smart minds over many years. With the best of intentions, and a very noble agenda. One reason is, because believe it or not, I have also come across very rough annealed glass that did produce scratches. Which were only visible in the direct sunlight at just the right angle. These did come out with a light polish using cerium oxide slow. I have also developed the habit of feeling clean dry surfaces with a dry fingertip. Another favorite tool has been a simple penny. Lightly dragging it across a clean dry surface will produce a sound. It will even drag at certain points revealing the glass has patchy areas of roughness. Next I might use pure water on a clean paper towel and wet the entire window. First I will clean the window and wipe the edges. This will show up the "chemistry" of the surface. If there are any invisible chemical contaminants present this will show them up. A much more definitive test using water is to cold steam the surface so that you create microdroplets or a fog. If you look at any fogged glass surface with a 30 power hand held lighted microscope you will see the microdroplets. These will form a pattern on the glass showing very precisely how "clean" it is.
I was talking to a fellow Window Cleaner a month ago who works in my area and made the point that not all glass is the same. Then before I even started to explain myself he said absolutely! He has been doing this work for 10 to 15 years and has experienced firsthand exactly what I was referring to. I know we all have talked about the "old" glass. It is usually very hydrophobic. No sealants. Feels super smooth to the touch. Razor blades just glide across it with extreme ease. I mean it is just a beautiful surface. One hundred years later! Now how is it that brand new glass is coming out so different? Another interesting point about tempered glass. We are always talking about defective surfaces regarding this glass. But it is possible to find tempered surfaces that are as I put it really "tight"! Super smooth to the fingertip or the razors edge. I can ask the same exact question regarding these wonderful surfaces as I do regarding the wonderfully smooth surfaces of some very old glass;...WHY!
Obviously something is afoot here that wasn't so much a hundred years ago. Also there is something going on in the factories today that either no one knows about, or are very reluctant to let us in on. I do believe that whatever it is we can figure it out. This is a material world. Not talking about mad Donna here. We have a good understanding of chemistry. We know about physics. We can "see" individual atoms and watch as they blink on and off. We have transmitting electron microscopes to show us nano surfaces using electron waves. So I propose this. I do believe Paul Duffer, Paul West, and the IWCA will indeed get to the bottom of it all in time. Waiting for the end of summer people. There are several basic reasons why glass surfaces today and yesterday can be very different from one another. Also, these reasons can be explained using chemistry and physics. So while I certainly don't have your bux, knowledge, or contacts, I will just sit here, wait, watch, and write. HAVE AT IT GUYS!!!
Written by Henry Grover Jr.
Publishing the Product Development Review
35 dollars per issue per month
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Saturday, July 23, 2016
Thursday, July 21, 2016
Is Fabrication Debris a Lie?
The following is an article I wrote for the WCBO some time ago. Which is a publication of the Window Cleaning Resource. Chris and Alex Lambrinides have allowed me to write it again here and to make ammendments in light of more recent discoveries and theories. The research of the two Pauls has also very recently been expanded in a very powerful way. Which I will be writing about shortly. But not in this post. Here is the article I originally wrote for the WCBO including an addendum that was never published anywhere.
The Ghost Particle Amended
After discussing with Paul West the results of the tests performed for their presentation at the last IWCA convention entitled “A Search for the Invisible Intruder”, I couldn’t resist giving this article the title “Ghost Particle”. When Paul West and Paul Duffer (henceforth to be referred to as the two Pauls) embarked on this mission of eminence, I don’t think they had any concept of where it was going to take them. Into a bright light that was going to shine on everyone of us bringing the kind of glory that we certainly wouldn’t run from. Or into a dark cavern of inexplicable horrors. I can now see that it was the latter. No one could have been more surprised then the two Pauls.
Since they quite lucidly explained everything at the convention using exceptionally high quality slides for visual impact and education, any reference to their discoveries here will be simple reiteration. Yet for an intended purpose. That being to refresh our memory of what was discovered and discussed, in order to assist in leading us out of the dark cave. To get there however we will have to continue what was started many years ago. As have the two Pauls. That being namely an in depth study of the physical and possibly chemical mechanisms involved in the issue of scratches on architectural flat glass surfaces. This will bring us the glory that none will want to run from.
All scientific studies begin with a question. This was no different. The question was very simply, “Can we absolutely identify the invisible intruder?”. In other words (these being my own), is it indeed possible to prove beyond question that fabrication debris does become fused to a glass surface during the tempering process? Sufficiently so that when broken away or dislodged with a metal scraper and dragged across the glass surface, that Ghost Particle would create a scratch. They were also in high hopes of being able to very specifically characterize scratches caused by such a particle for easy identification in future field cases. Unfortunately their experiments while shedding light on these questions, did not give them the absolutes they were hoping for. Instead their test results raised more questions. Which I believe must be answered before we can progress in our understanding.
While I do not believe in ghosts, I do believe in what I will call here the Ghost Particle. It is in fact invisible. Or is it? The two Pauls did prove that sand particles (which are very abundant in the field) can be harder than glass. These particles can easily cause scratches on glass. Such as when dragged under a squeegee rubber, steel wool, cloth, or even a metal razor. Glass particles/fabrication debris/microfines can also scratch. A metal stylus can scratch. Along with other different particles and objects that are as hard as or harder than glass. The question again was, is it possible to determine exactly what caused the scratch with a microscope? Was it a metal stylus, a particle of sand, or a glass particle/microfine? Paul West told me that it is only possible to determine whether it was a blunt object or a rather sharp one such as a particle of sand or glass. During the IWCA presentation slides of scratches all caused by hard sharp particles were shown. Everyone was asked if they could tell exactly what caused these scratches. No one was able to offer a definitive conclusion. No one knew. Even the point of indentation (where the scratch begins) showed no apparent difference. In fact the total scratch morphology (point of indentation, track, and finish) gave us no clue as to exactly what sharp particle caused the scratch.
Here is another question. We have always believed that microfine particles released by flat glass when it is scoured and broken, are pushed into and fused to the glass surface during the tempering process. Actually bonded to the glass surface. So the two Pauls set up a few different experiments hoping to duplicate this effect. While they did have limited success, the results were much less than favorable in proving our previous beliefs beyond a question or doubt. What they did reveal were some very interesting results. Which in my opinion, will force us to reconsider/rethink and develop more powerful analytical techniques. What we absolutely need is a full color video showing the face of our Ghost Particle wearing a sneer. But with the high tech analytical tools of this century, I don’t see that as being very difficult. Just expensive.
Simply put, when they did their tests they were not able to permanently fuse glass particles to the surface. They used different sized particles of glass and sand. These could be pushed into the glass, but would not bond or fuse once the glass cooled. Every particle was quite easily removed. When glass is heated in the tempering process the surface becomes rather soft. And so as has been stated they were able to impinge glass and sand particles into it. However both the glass and sand particles just ‘popped out’. Most times they just blew away. According to Paul West it was very difficult to get sand or glass particles to stick to glass. Even when the particles were sandwiched between two pieces of glass and put through the tempering oven, as much as 95% of the particles could be easily brushed off.
What is truly fascinating about these results is that they seem to run contrary to my own personal experience. In the last 33 years of cleaning windows I have uncovered many window glass surfaces that seemed to have very small hard particles permanently embedded. When I scraped I could hear that tell tale sound. Then when I soaped, squeegeed, soaped again with clean water, and scraped again;...I could still hear the same sound. The Ghost Particle was seemingly still there. It was also seemingly embedded in the glass surface. Further, I ended up creating scratches when I scraped these windows. At times the scratches could only be seen in the direct sun because they were so small. Even microscopic. But they showed every pass of the razor.
I concluded that I was dealing with embedded particles because of my experience and what we as window cleaners have believed for many years. Which still might be the absolute truth. However it is good to consider something at this juncture. That sound is not necessarily proof of a particle. We might be dealing with a collection of depressions with microscopic chips removed, or indentation fractures, or something else completely unknown. The Ghost Particle might not even be a particle at all. I still do believe nonetheless that it wears a sneer. I also believe that the only real absolute we currently own is the fact that all surfaces are not created equal.
Here is one very interesting experience I would like to relate. I was called out to a new commercial building. There were many very noticeable heavy scratches on the glass. The windows were so bad I figured I couldn’t do any more damage. But I tried. With the permission of the contractor/builder I soaped up the window and tried real hard to create more scratches with ‘my’ razor. I ran it in a different direction than the existing scratches so I could easily tell the difference between my scratches and those already there. Yes I could hear that characteristic sound like scraping sandpaper. The surface was seemingly loaded with very hard embedded particles. But I just could not create scratches. Why? To this day I don’t know. All I can do is guess. One thing is sure however. I definitely saved one poor window cleaner. If that isn’t twisted I don’t know what is!
I am sure we can locate and expose the Ghost Particle. Even if it isn’t a particle at all. We need to first find a window that is easy to scratch with a blade. Or any other tool of choice. Create scratches with a unique pattern. Then put a microscope right on it. We might need to remove the window from the sash and bring it into a lab. But either way, we need to implement much more advanced analytical techniques in order to more accurately identify the true nature of this problem/condition. We need to continue this study which we began many years ago. Lets work along with the two Pauls on this quest of eminence. Out of the cave and into the light.
I have also proven just the opposite of this test. By running the razor in the opposite direction I did indeed create more scratches. So this defective tempered surface did produce scratches with the use of a razor. The apparent FD was very heavy. The resulting scratches were rather deep and very easy to see. I have also produced very light scratches on tempered glass. Further;... I have even produced very fine scratches on annealed glass. This is absolute heresy! Such that could never be forgiven. I am sure the masses will dam me to eternal pits of molten tin for writing this! But I was told by Paul West today that he has actually obtained a sample of just this. I would like you to consider some interesting questions.
First have you ever wondered why FD is evenly spread across the entire window? Shouldn't it be patchy? It is also not just evenly spread but is either very fine, very course, or anything in between. But it is never mixed. As if all the particles were all the same exact size. "Dirt" is made up of many different sized particles. Also. If the same exact process is used for scouring and breaking to size all sheets of glass before tempering, wouldn't these microfines be the same exact size in every situation? This would mean that all of the scratches produced on every window should be the same. But they are not. As I have explained here some are very deep, and others are microscopic resulting in what looks like streaks.
In my last post "Stop Scratching Glass" I used the term Fabrication Debris or FD. We have been taught that this is an unquestionable truth. I used the term for lack of another. In our industry there is no other term. But I believe there should be. Consider that there might be no FD. Consider that our understanding of this entire issue could be completely wrong. Not that glass surfaces are not many times defective. Why;... they are getting worse with every passing day. But exactly what is happening? I really believe that even the glass industry doesn't know the answers. So again I have to say, lets support the two Pauls on this quest of eminence. Out of the cave and into the light.
The next post I write will shed light on this issue/topic, and discuss a research project that will run for the next three months until the end of the summer of 2016. You will not want to miss any of these posts.
Written by Henry Grover Jr.
Publishing the Product Development Review
35 dollars per issue per month
To receive these posts directly in your inbox just type your address in the box at the top right, "Follow by Email".
The Ghost Particle Amended
After discussing with Paul West the results of the tests performed for their presentation at the last IWCA convention entitled “A Search for the Invisible Intruder”, I couldn’t resist giving this article the title “Ghost Particle”. When Paul West and Paul Duffer (henceforth to be referred to as the two Pauls) embarked on this mission of eminence, I don’t think they had any concept of where it was going to take them. Into a bright light that was going to shine on everyone of us bringing the kind of glory that we certainly wouldn’t run from. Or into a dark cavern of inexplicable horrors. I can now see that it was the latter. No one could have been more surprised then the two Pauls.
Since they quite lucidly explained everything at the convention using exceptionally high quality slides for visual impact and education, any reference to their discoveries here will be simple reiteration. Yet for an intended purpose. That being to refresh our memory of what was discovered and discussed, in order to assist in leading us out of the dark cave. To get there however we will have to continue what was started many years ago. As have the two Pauls. That being namely an in depth study of the physical and possibly chemical mechanisms involved in the issue of scratches on architectural flat glass surfaces. This will bring us the glory that none will want to run from.
All scientific studies begin with a question. This was no different. The question was very simply, “Can we absolutely identify the invisible intruder?”. In other words (these being my own), is it indeed possible to prove beyond question that fabrication debris does become fused to a glass surface during the tempering process? Sufficiently so that when broken away or dislodged with a metal scraper and dragged across the glass surface, that Ghost Particle would create a scratch. They were also in high hopes of being able to very specifically characterize scratches caused by such a particle for easy identification in future field cases. Unfortunately their experiments while shedding light on these questions, did not give them the absolutes they were hoping for. Instead their test results raised more questions. Which I believe must be answered before we can progress in our understanding.
While I do not believe in ghosts, I do believe in what I will call here the Ghost Particle. It is in fact invisible. Or is it? The two Pauls did prove that sand particles (which are very abundant in the field) can be harder than glass. These particles can easily cause scratches on glass. Such as when dragged under a squeegee rubber, steel wool, cloth, or even a metal razor. Glass particles/fabrication debris/microfines can also scratch. A metal stylus can scratch. Along with other different particles and objects that are as hard as or harder than glass. The question again was, is it possible to determine exactly what caused the scratch with a microscope? Was it a metal stylus, a particle of sand, or a glass particle/microfine? Paul West told me that it is only possible to determine whether it was a blunt object or a rather sharp one such as a particle of sand or glass. During the IWCA presentation slides of scratches all caused by hard sharp particles were shown. Everyone was asked if they could tell exactly what caused these scratches. No one was able to offer a definitive conclusion. No one knew. Even the point of indentation (where the scratch begins) showed no apparent difference. In fact the total scratch morphology (point of indentation, track, and finish) gave us no clue as to exactly what sharp particle caused the scratch.
Here is another question. We have always believed that microfine particles released by flat glass when it is scoured and broken, are pushed into and fused to the glass surface during the tempering process. Actually bonded to the glass surface. So the two Pauls set up a few different experiments hoping to duplicate this effect. While they did have limited success, the results were much less than favorable in proving our previous beliefs beyond a question or doubt. What they did reveal were some very interesting results. Which in my opinion, will force us to reconsider/rethink and develop more powerful analytical techniques. What we absolutely need is a full color video showing the face of our Ghost Particle wearing a sneer. But with the high tech analytical tools of this century, I don’t see that as being very difficult. Just expensive.
Simply put, when they did their tests they were not able to permanently fuse glass particles to the surface. They used different sized particles of glass and sand. These could be pushed into the glass, but would not bond or fuse once the glass cooled. Every particle was quite easily removed. When glass is heated in the tempering process the surface becomes rather soft. And so as has been stated they were able to impinge glass and sand particles into it. However both the glass and sand particles just ‘popped out’. Most times they just blew away. According to Paul West it was very difficult to get sand or glass particles to stick to glass. Even when the particles were sandwiched between two pieces of glass and put through the tempering oven, as much as 95% of the particles could be easily brushed off.
What is truly fascinating about these results is that they seem to run contrary to my own personal experience. In the last 33 years of cleaning windows I have uncovered many window glass surfaces that seemed to have very small hard particles permanently embedded. When I scraped I could hear that tell tale sound. Then when I soaped, squeegeed, soaped again with clean water, and scraped again;...I could still hear the same sound. The Ghost Particle was seemingly still there. It was also seemingly embedded in the glass surface. Further, I ended up creating scratches when I scraped these windows. At times the scratches could only be seen in the direct sun because they were so small. Even microscopic. But they showed every pass of the razor.
I concluded that I was dealing with embedded particles because of my experience and what we as window cleaners have believed for many years. Which still might be the absolute truth. However it is good to consider something at this juncture. That sound is not necessarily proof of a particle. We might be dealing with a collection of depressions with microscopic chips removed, or indentation fractures, or something else completely unknown. The Ghost Particle might not even be a particle at all. I still do believe nonetheless that it wears a sneer. I also believe that the only real absolute we currently own is the fact that all surfaces are not created equal.
Here is one very interesting experience I would like to relate. I was called out to a new commercial building. There were many very noticeable heavy scratches on the glass. The windows were so bad I figured I couldn’t do any more damage. But I tried. With the permission of the contractor/builder I soaped up the window and tried real hard to create more scratches with ‘my’ razor. I ran it in a different direction than the existing scratches so I could easily tell the difference between my scratches and those already there. Yes I could hear that characteristic sound like scraping sandpaper. The surface was seemingly loaded with very hard embedded particles. But I just could not create scratches. Why? To this day I don’t know. All I can do is guess. One thing is sure however. I definitely saved one poor window cleaner. If that isn’t twisted I don’t know what is!
I am sure we can locate and expose the Ghost Particle. Even if it isn’t a particle at all. We need to first find a window that is easy to scratch with a blade. Or any other tool of choice. Create scratches with a unique pattern. Then put a microscope right on it. We might need to remove the window from the sash and bring it into a lab. But either way, we need to implement much more advanced analytical techniques in order to more accurately identify the true nature of this problem/condition. We need to continue this study which we began many years ago. Lets work along with the two Pauls on this quest of eminence. Out of the cave and into the light.
I have also proven just the opposite of this test. By running the razor in the opposite direction I did indeed create more scratches. So this defective tempered surface did produce scratches with the use of a razor. The apparent FD was very heavy. The resulting scratches were rather deep and very easy to see. I have also produced very light scratches on tempered glass. Further;... I have even produced very fine scratches on annealed glass. This is absolute heresy! Such that could never be forgiven. I am sure the masses will dam me to eternal pits of molten tin for writing this! But I was told by Paul West today that he has actually obtained a sample of just this. I would like you to consider some interesting questions.
First have you ever wondered why FD is evenly spread across the entire window? Shouldn't it be patchy? It is also not just evenly spread but is either very fine, very course, or anything in between. But it is never mixed. As if all the particles were all the same exact size. "Dirt" is made up of many different sized particles. Also. If the same exact process is used for scouring and breaking to size all sheets of glass before tempering, wouldn't these microfines be the same exact size in every situation? This would mean that all of the scratches produced on every window should be the same. But they are not. As I have explained here some are very deep, and others are microscopic resulting in what looks like streaks.
In my last post "Stop Scratching Glass" I used the term Fabrication Debris or FD. We have been taught that this is an unquestionable truth. I used the term for lack of another. In our industry there is no other term. But I believe there should be. Consider that there might be no FD. Consider that our understanding of this entire issue could be completely wrong. Not that glass surfaces are not many times defective. Why;... they are getting worse with every passing day. But exactly what is happening? I really believe that even the glass industry doesn't know the answers. So again I have to say, lets support the two Pauls on this quest of eminence. Out of the cave and into the light.
The next post I write will shed light on this issue/topic, and discuss a research project that will run for the next three months until the end of the summer of 2016. You will not want to miss any of these posts.
Written by Henry Grover Jr.
Publishing the Product Development Review
35 dollars per issue per month
To receive these posts directly in your inbox just type your address in the box at the top right, "Follow by Email".
Tuesday, July 19, 2016
Stop Scratching Glass!
I know I am going to get some negative feedback from this post. But I really feel it needs to be written. There are too many innocent Window Cleaners who have fallen victim to the indifferent attitude of glass manufacturers. Tempered glass surfaces are almost always defective these days. The tempering fabricators simply don't care cuz the defects cannot be seen. It is only the Window Cleaners that end up suffering the repercussions of such poor surfaces. And what are we to them? Pimples on the butt of a bug on someones butt. Tempered glass will likely get worse. So we need to be prepared with knowledge. And pass this knowledge to everyone we can. Especially General Contractors. We might never win the war. But we can win a few wars along the way if we can turn some tempered glass BACK to the factories. For this to happen we need to start testing tempered glass BEFORE it is installed. To accomplish this we MUST educate, educate, educate. Lets start with our own companies.
First we need to know that all fabrication debris issues are not the same. The sound alone will tell you that. Sometimes when you use a metal razor on tempered glass it wants to drag. The glass is not smooth. No scratches can be seen however. But when you look at the window in the bright sunlight, at just the right angle you will see waves of zillions of almost microscopic scratches. This condition can bring on a lawsuit. Or. The scratches might be very light, easily seen, and cover the entire plate. Other times the scratches can be very light but not great in number. Then too they might be rather heavy and deep. Covering the entire plate. They could also be deep but very few in number. Also there could be anything in between what I have described here. The sound of fabrication debris when scraped is always different if the scratch ID pattern is different. It is difficult to know when we are working on defective tempered glass most times because the sound is different. It is also true that many times larger Window Cleaning companies do not have the advantage of using employees that are educated well enough regarding defective tempered glass.
Another misunderstanding I believe has to do with the fact that metal razor blades are NOT the only tool that will dislodge the fabrication debris which is what leaves the scratches. I have seen scratches caused by Fab Debris moved by 0000 steel wool, plastic scrapers, and other tools and processes. So many Window Cleaners believe that if they are NOT using razor blades they are safe. This is simply NOT true. Again this fact brings us back to what I believe is the true reason for scratched glass. That being defective surfaces and fabrication debris on tempered glass.
I used to believe that a blind window cleaner had a serious handicap. Most of you would probably agree with me. Now I also believe that a deaf Window Cleaner is seriously handicapped. We must train our ears, and our fingertips. Thank you Chris and Alex Lambrinides for this video.
I know from my 35 years cleaning windows that I am relatively safe when working on tempered glass. Although I have made mistakes from poor judgement. As tempered glass becomes more problematic the challenge of cleaning it will become greater. And the burden will likely always be on the Window Cleaner. In my opinion.
So. I am first of all in favor of the waiver. I am also in favor of self education. Also educating every employee in the company. Also educating all of our customers and potential customers. Especially General Contractors and anyone who sells or installs windows. I am very much in favor of looking for alternatives to the use of anything that could potentially remove and drag FB creating scratches. Such alternatives might include composition abrasives with a hardness much less then glass. Or certain very powerful organic solvents. Or special chemicals, maybe acids that will safely remove concrete and or stucco. These alternatives are one thing I am working on as I research commercial products and develop my own transformer products. My findings will be reported on in my e-newsletter the Product Development Review. All chemicals, ingredients, formulas, and product names, and addresses will be given. Along with regular email updates/reports throughout the month. The PDR is available for 35 dollars per monthly issue. Just send me an email. And I will send the PDF by email attachment. Then a PayPal bill in another email. The August issue is entitled Orange Power. It is focused on naturally occurring green organic solvents.
Written by Henry Grover Jr.
To receive these posts directly in your inbox just type your address in the box at the top right "Follow by Email".
First we need to know that all fabrication debris issues are not the same. The sound alone will tell you that. Sometimes when you use a metal razor on tempered glass it wants to drag. The glass is not smooth. No scratches can be seen however. But when you look at the window in the bright sunlight, at just the right angle you will see waves of zillions of almost microscopic scratches. This condition can bring on a lawsuit. Or. The scratches might be very light, easily seen, and cover the entire plate. Other times the scratches can be very light but not great in number. Then too they might be rather heavy and deep. Covering the entire plate. They could also be deep but very few in number. Also there could be anything in between what I have described here. The sound of fabrication debris when scraped is always different if the scratch ID pattern is different. It is difficult to know when we are working on defective tempered glass most times because the sound is different. It is also true that many times larger Window Cleaning companies do not have the advantage of using employees that are educated well enough regarding defective tempered glass.
Another misunderstanding I believe has to do with the fact that metal razor blades are NOT the only tool that will dislodge the fabrication debris which is what leaves the scratches. I have seen scratches caused by Fab Debris moved by 0000 steel wool, plastic scrapers, and other tools and processes. So many Window Cleaners believe that if they are NOT using razor blades they are safe. This is simply NOT true. Again this fact brings us back to what I believe is the true reason for scratched glass. That being defective surfaces and fabrication debris on tempered glass.
I used to believe that a blind window cleaner had a serious handicap. Most of you would probably agree with me. Now I also believe that a deaf Window Cleaner is seriously handicapped. We must train our ears, and our fingertips. Thank you Chris and Alex Lambrinides for this video.
I know from my 35 years cleaning windows that I am relatively safe when working on tempered glass. Although I have made mistakes from poor judgement. As tempered glass becomes more problematic the challenge of cleaning it will become greater. And the burden will likely always be on the Window Cleaner. In my opinion.
So. I am first of all in favor of the waiver. I am also in favor of self education. Also educating every employee in the company. Also educating all of our customers and potential customers. Especially General Contractors and anyone who sells or installs windows. I am very much in favor of looking for alternatives to the use of anything that could potentially remove and drag FB creating scratches. Such alternatives might include composition abrasives with a hardness much less then glass. Or certain very powerful organic solvents. Or special chemicals, maybe acids that will safely remove concrete and or stucco. These alternatives are one thing I am working on as I research commercial products and develop my own transformer products. My findings will be reported on in my e-newsletter the Product Development Review. All chemicals, ingredients, formulas, and product names, and addresses will be given. Along with regular email updates/reports throughout the month. The PDR is available for 35 dollars per monthly issue. Just send me an email. And I will send the PDF by email attachment. Then a PayPal bill in another email. The August issue is entitled Orange Power. It is focused on naturally occurring green organic solvents.
Written by Henry Grover Jr.
To receive these posts directly in your inbox just type your address in the box at the top right "Follow by Email".
Monday, July 18, 2016
Crossover Technologies
Glass is not only a construction material. It is also a very unique and unusual material used in creating fantastic works of art. Although I will grant you that so many of these high rise buildings that have thousands of windows are also very artistic creations. Take for example Jack Storms. Here is a young man that has developed a form of artwork using cold leaded glass and dichroic coatings. Some individual pieces go for as much as 150,000 bux! Check out this video. I am very certain you will be amazed.
Also check out some of the beautiful blown glass pieces done by many hot glass artists over time. I recently took a trip down to the Sandwich Glass Museum in Mass. Here is a little video I made showing the wonder of blown glass. At the end I took some video clips of a very young man making a lamp. This is a 30 minute show that the museum puts on every hour throughout the day. The full video is only five and a half minutes long.
Working with either hot or cold glass as an art form requires a great deal of hands on experience. It also requires an understanding of a different technology or science. For example. In working with cold glass there are different grinding and polishing techniques to cut the glass to shape and then return it to a perfect luster. Jack Storms uses a special "glue" that has the same refractive index as glass to bond the different pieces or slices together. When working with hot glass temperature is critical to whether the glass will literally break into several shards and fall to the floor. When a piece is done it must be put in the back burner at a temperature of around 950 degrees for a full day. Because it must cool down to 950 from 2300 over the course of a full day. Otherwise it might break. When working with it at maximum heat it must be maintained at this temperature. Because this is how the air that is blown into it expands the vase. You will notice in the video how Alex keeps putting the work piece back in the glory hole. Temperature also has a lot to do with fusing two different glass pieces together also. This directly relates to how glass fines become part of the surface when the glass plates are passed through the oven and over the ceramic rollers. Does the temperature of the glass fines make a difference as to whether or not they will become part of the glass?
So you can get a glimpse of the crossover technology. I am very sure the deeper I look the more similarities I will discover. And when I do they will be published here on this blog. So keep reading.
Written by Henry Grover Jr.
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Also check out some of the beautiful blown glass pieces done by many hot glass artists over time. I recently took a trip down to the Sandwich Glass Museum in Mass. Here is a little video I made showing the wonder of blown glass. At the end I took some video clips of a very young man making a lamp. This is a 30 minute show that the museum puts on every hour throughout the day. The full video is only five and a half minutes long.
Working with either hot or cold glass as an art form requires a great deal of hands on experience. It also requires an understanding of a different technology or science. For example. In working with cold glass there are different grinding and polishing techniques to cut the glass to shape and then return it to a perfect luster. Jack Storms uses a special "glue" that has the same refractive index as glass to bond the different pieces or slices together. When working with hot glass temperature is critical to whether the glass will literally break into several shards and fall to the floor. When a piece is done it must be put in the back burner at a temperature of around 950 degrees for a full day. Because it must cool down to 950 from 2300 over the course of a full day. Otherwise it might break. When working with it at maximum heat it must be maintained at this temperature. Because this is how the air that is blown into it expands the vase. You will notice in the video how Alex keeps putting the work piece back in the glory hole. Temperature also has a lot to do with fusing two different glass pieces together also. This directly relates to how glass fines become part of the surface when the glass plates are passed through the oven and over the ceramic rollers. Does the temperature of the glass fines make a difference as to whether or not they will become part of the glass?
So you can get a glimpse of the crossover technology. I am very sure the deeper I look the more similarities I will discover. And when I do they will be published here on this blog. So keep reading.
Written by Henry Grover Jr.
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Sunday, July 10, 2016
Orange Power and the Science of Organic Solvents
Organic solvents are simply put hydrocarbon liquids that break up and dissolve other hydrocarbon based substances. Some other elements other than carbon and hydrogen that OS molecules use are oxygen, chlorine, and nitrogen. The OS molecules will move through and surround the molecules of the solute (that which is being dissolved) forming a solution.
Now there are two very basic types of organic solvents;...polar and nonpolar. OS liquids with a dielectric constant of less than 15 are said to be nonpolar. Those with a very high dielectric constant are said to be polar. This is important to us because it helps us to choose the best OS for the job. Since like dissolves like, deposits that are very polar require very polar solvents to dissolve them. The opposite is also true. Most oils and waxes are very nonpolar. Hence they require very nonpolar liquids such as hexane to dissolve them. It follows from this that it is important to determine exactly what the polarity of the substance being removed is. Then match that with the right OS with the same polarity. A quick search on the net will reveal the dielectric constant, and therefore the polarity of both the substance to be removed and the OS needed to dissolve it.
There are also protic and aprotic polar solvents. Protic solvents work well with negatively charged solutes. While aprotic solvents work well with positively charged solutes. The solute being the substance in need of being removed/ dissolved. You can find quick lists of protics and aprotics on the net. Remember any OS with a dielectric constant in excess of 15 is polar. Less than 15 is nonpolar.
Some other properties we might want to look at are melting point, boiling point, autoignition temperature, and water solubility/miscibility. The melting point is also the temperature at which the OS will become rigid or form a solid. Which is difficult if not impossible to work with. So a melting point of zero Fahrenheit would be nice since the solvent will be in a liquid state from zero and up. The boiling point is the temperature at which the OS becomes a vapor or gas. Since there are times we are working on very hot glass it would be good to have an OS with a relatively high boiling point. Anything above 250 Fahrenheit would be perfect. So a solvent with a melting point of zero and a boiling point of 250 means that our OS will be liquid from zero to 250 Fahrenheit. Next a solvent with a very high autoignition
I am in the consulting business of developing what I call custom transformer products for the window cleaning industry. The turnkey for these products is the PDR.
The Product Development Review on "Orange Power" gives all the information of the ingredients and where to purchase them. Along with the formulas of how to put it together. This is a two to three page PDF electronic newsletter sent by email attachment for 35 dollars.
Written by Henry Grover Jr.
If you would like to automatically receive these posts in your inbox just type your address in the box at the top right, "Follow by Email".
Now there are two very basic types of organic solvents;...polar and nonpolar. OS liquids with a dielectric constant of less than 15 are said to be nonpolar. Those with a very high dielectric constant are said to be polar. This is important to us because it helps us to choose the best OS for the job. Since like dissolves like, deposits that are very polar require very polar solvents to dissolve them. The opposite is also true. Most oils and waxes are very nonpolar. Hence they require very nonpolar liquids such as hexane to dissolve them. It follows from this that it is important to determine exactly what the polarity of the substance being removed is. Then match that with the right OS with the same polarity. A quick search on the net will reveal the dielectric constant, and therefore the polarity of both the substance to be removed and the OS needed to dissolve it.
There are also protic and aprotic polar solvents. Protic solvents work well with negatively charged solutes. While aprotic solvents work well with positively charged solutes. The solute being the substance in need of being removed/ dissolved. You can find quick lists of protics and aprotics on the net. Remember any OS with a dielectric constant in excess of 15 is polar. Less than 15 is nonpolar.
Some other properties we might want to look at are melting point, boiling point, autoignition temperature, and water solubility/miscibility. The melting point is also the temperature at which the OS will become rigid or form a solid. Which is difficult if not impossible to work with. So a melting point of zero Fahrenheit would be nice since the solvent will be in a liquid state from zero and up. The boiling point is the temperature at which the OS becomes a vapor or gas. Since there are times we are working on very hot glass it would be good to have an OS with a relatively high boiling point. Anything above 250 Fahrenheit would be perfect. So a solvent with a melting point of zero and a boiling point of 250 means that our OS will be liquid from zero to 250 Fahrenheit. Next a solvent with a very high autoignition
temperature will not automatically ignite without notice. It will not flash in our face without warning. If our OS were soluble or easily emulsified in water it will be easy to remove from the window once it has done its job. Lets next take a look at an OS that comes from the rind of an orange. It is gaining much attention in the cleaning industry because it is relatively nontoxic yet powerful enough to dissolve many hydrocarbon based substances. It has a boiling point of 349 Fahrenheit. A melting point of -140 Fahrenheit. (So it is a liquid between -140 and 349) A flashpoint of 110 degrees. Autoignition temp of 458. Although it is not soluble/miscible in water it can be blended with certain synthetic detergents so that it is easily emulsified by water. The dielectric constant is 2.3 as it is an aprotic nonpolar solvent. It is used as a paint stripper and a cleaner. It is actually possible to add it directly to water if it has been emulsified with the correct nonpolar solvent. It is easy to remove from glass with any cleaning solution. And is very effective at dissolving most non polar aprotic organics. It will soften water based paints making them very easy to remove with a plastic compositional abrasive. This way we can get away from using a razor on bad tempered glass. Just apply the product, wait a few minutes, and rub the paint. Then soap up the window and squeegee it off. It also softens fully cured silicone caulk (this is not a hydrocarbon but is rather based on an Si-O repeater backbone chain). When blended with a plastic compositional with a particle of about 100 microns it will dig through silicone caulk. Also it can be added directly to a microcrystalline silica for removing every last molecule of silicone from glass. Further it will soften fully cured oil based paints. And works on many other hydrocarbons.
I am in the consulting business of developing what I call custom transformer products for the window cleaning industry. The turnkey for these products is the PDR.
The Product Development Review on "Orange Power" gives all the information of the ingredients and where to purchase them. Along with the formulas of how to put it together. This is a two to three page PDF electronic newsletter sent by email attachment for 35 dollars.
Written by Henry Grover Jr.
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Monday, July 4, 2016
Micro-Crystalline Silica for Glass Restoration
At less than 50 cents per pound micro-crystalline silica certainly is in competition with cerium oxide and many other polishing superabrasives. Cerium is up to eighty bux a pound. But don't be fooled. micro-crystalline silica does have its drawbacks. The biggest is cancer. It is a carcinogen. In powder form that is. For this reason silica powder is not sold by many companies. Instead they sell colloidal suspensions of micro-crystalline silica. Whether that be a powder made by crushing naturally occuring minerals/rocks. Or a man made amorphous silica. When silica particles are suspended in fluid dispersions it is hard to breath them in. Which is the primary way they cause cancer.
Some guys will polish glass dry. This releases a glass dust. It is not crystalline. But the particles are microscopic. Usually around 3 microns in size. Because the size of the silicon carbide or SiC used in the polishing pad is close to this size. If you do this type of work you should absolutely wear the best protection possible. That being a face mask that will block a particle of this size. Such a face mask should also be used if you are creating a slurry, colloidal suspension, or compound based on a micro-crystalline particle of this approximate size.
Micro-crystalline silica as was mentioned here is found in nature. It usually includes other minerals too. These are what give the rocks different colors. Such as rose quartz. The silica that is closest to being just SiO2 is the most transparent. It is the most pure. Micro-crystalline silicas will have different crystal structures and different shaped particles. Hence they will have different hardnesses too. The purity rating is based on an average particle size. This is shown on a line graph. Say for example that the product is 95 percent 2.4 microns. That means that the other 5 percent is slightly less than and greater than 2.4 microns. You will also see the spread of elements such as iron, aluminum, and carbon that likely will be present. There should be a percentage for each of these listed. The crystal structure will be given, and the morphology of the particle.
It can be very dangerous how a slurry, colloidal suspension, or compound based on a micro-crystalline silica is used on glass for light stain removal. If a safe technique is not followed it is too easy to leave what I call a "scratch haze". In theory it is much more easy to do this with micro-crystalline silica rather than cerium oxide. Cerium is used to create a superior surface. A general rule to follow is to keep your felt flat on the window at all times, keep it moving slow (maybe only around 1,000 rpms), and watch your pressure. You absolutely NEVER want to lift up the edge of the polishing pad and rip into the glass moving up and down, left to right. This will most certainly create a scratch haze that will be totally invisible in the shade or on a cloudy overcast day. It will however be quite visible on a bright sunny day. Especially on the second story glass. To help with this technique I have shown how a "wobble wheel" can be built and used with various pads such as those made of felt.
Sometimes you might be working on specialty coatings on glass such as low e reflective first surface products. Some low e first surface coatings are hardly noticeable at all. As this technology gets better it will be even more difficult to quickly identify them by sight alone. It is not possible to use some of the more aggressive stain removal techniques for removing mineral deposits from such coatings. The "lighter touch" is absolutely critical for working with these problem situations.
The first newsletter called the Product Development Review focuses on light stain removal. These issues come out once a month. The second issue I have produced is on a product I call Soap N Seal. It seals glass when you clean the window. No extra time is required. These issues are 35 dollars each. They contain the formulas for making these products yourself. And list the sources for all the ingredients. If you want to subscribe just send an email to
Written by Henry Grover Jr.
Producing the Product Development Review
If you want to recieve the posts written here in your inbox as they are written just type your address in the box at the top right, "Follow by Email".
Some guys will polish glass dry. This releases a glass dust. It is not crystalline. But the particles are microscopic. Usually around 3 microns in size. Because the size of the silicon carbide or SiC used in the polishing pad is close to this size. If you do this type of work you should absolutely wear the best protection possible. That being a face mask that will block a particle of this size. Such a face mask should also be used if you are creating a slurry, colloidal suspension, or compound based on a micro-crystalline particle of this approximate size.
Micro-crystalline silica as was mentioned here is found in nature. It usually includes other minerals too. These are what give the rocks different colors. Such as rose quartz. The silica that is closest to being just SiO2 is the most transparent. It is the most pure. Micro-crystalline silicas will have different crystal structures and different shaped particles. Hence they will have different hardnesses too. The purity rating is based on an average particle size. This is shown on a line graph. Say for example that the product is 95 percent 2.4 microns. That means that the other 5 percent is slightly less than and greater than 2.4 microns. You will also see the spread of elements such as iron, aluminum, and carbon that likely will be present. There should be a percentage for each of these listed. The crystal structure will be given, and the morphology of the particle.
It can be very dangerous how a slurry, colloidal suspension, or compound based on a micro-crystalline silica is used on glass for light stain removal. If a safe technique is not followed it is too easy to leave what I call a "scratch haze". In theory it is much more easy to do this with micro-crystalline silica rather than cerium oxide. Cerium is used to create a superior surface. A general rule to follow is to keep your felt flat on the window at all times, keep it moving slow (maybe only around 1,000 rpms), and watch your pressure. You absolutely NEVER want to lift up the edge of the polishing pad and rip into the glass moving up and down, left to right. This will most certainly create a scratch haze that will be totally invisible in the shade or on a cloudy overcast day. It will however be quite visible on a bright sunny day. Especially on the second story glass. To help with this technique I have shown how a "wobble wheel" can be built and used with various pads such as those made of felt.
Sometimes you might be working on specialty coatings on glass such as low e reflective first surface products. Some low e first surface coatings are hardly noticeable at all. As this technology gets better it will be even more difficult to quickly identify them by sight alone. It is not possible to use some of the more aggressive stain removal techniques for removing mineral deposits from such coatings. The "lighter touch" is absolutely critical for working with these problem situations.
The first newsletter called the Product Development Review focuses on light stain removal. These issues come out once a month. The second issue I have produced is on a product I call Soap N Seal. It seals glass when you clean the window. No extra time is required. These issues are 35 dollars each. They contain the formulas for making these products yourself. And list the sources for all the ingredients. If you want to subscribe just send an email to
Written by Henry Grover Jr.
Producing the Product Development Review
If you want to recieve the posts written here in your inbox as they are written just type your address in the box at the top right, "Follow by Email".
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Soap N Seal is out!
The Product Development Review for July 2016 is ready. I have wrote it on my latest product Soap N Seal. If you are looking to make glass easier to clean for you and your customers all you have to do now is soap up the window and squeegee it off. No extra time or work required. Seal as you clean.
This is a transformer product. No manufacturer will ever carry it. You must buy the PDR and make it yourself. But that is really easy to do. Just take a quick look at a fun video of me making up a batch.
The PDR is not just a printed formula of these new transformer products. It is an introduction to a new way of thinking about products in general. Which will give you the edge over your competition. In between issues I will be sending out regular updates by email also. These "addendums" are free to my regular subscribers. You will also be introduced to chemical companies that are loaded with information on ingredients that will push you forward in your work. Making your company truly Glass Smart. You will become part of an insider community.
To purchase this issue of the PDR and any other, just send an email to and I will immediately send you a PDF of the PDR as an email attachment. Then in another email I will send you a bill by Pay Pal.
Written by Henry Grover Jr.
Publishing the Product Development Review
To receive these blog posts in your inbox just type your address in the box at the top right, "Follow by Email".
This is a transformer product. No manufacturer will ever carry it. You must buy the PDR and make it yourself. But that is really easy to do. Just take a quick look at a fun video of me making up a batch.
The PDR is not just a printed formula of these new transformer products. It is an introduction to a new way of thinking about products in general. Which will give you the edge over your competition. In between issues I will be sending out regular updates by email also. These "addendums" are free to my regular subscribers. You will also be introduced to chemical companies that are loaded with information on ingredients that will push you forward in your work. Making your company truly Glass Smart. You will become part of an insider community.
To purchase this issue of the PDR and any other, just send an email to and I will immediately send you a PDF of the PDR as an email attachment. Then in another email I will send you a bill by Pay Pal.
Written by Henry Grover Jr.
Publishing the Product Development Review
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