The Glass Smart Products Blogspot is focused on the development and discovery of custom products and technologies for the Surface Maintenance, Restoration, and Protection of different window surfaces.
Everyone talks about developing products as if this was some kind of a ticket to the easy life. But the reality is it is not as easy as we think. It truly is another business system that has to be followed according to certain rules. One of the greatest innovators and inventors we have had in our industry was Henry Unger. And we have had many. He told me once that he had over fifty patents. He also told me the best way to do this was to work on only one product at a time. To focus. Of course there is so much more. I have learned a great deal from people like him. Listen to Jared talk about his process.
Written by Henry Grover Jr. If you would like to receive these posts in your inbox just type your address in the box at the top right, "Follow by Email".