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Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Shotgun Fungi On The Run

If you are cleaning an outside window, and you happen to notice those annoying dark brown/black raised nubs scattered all over the glass look around.  You will likely find some mulch nearby.  There is a fungus that grows happily in this stuff that shoots its spores at anything within reach.  When they stick they are very difficult to remove.  As a window cleaner I have always had to use my razor to get them off.  But I would prefer not to if they are on some very expensive tempered glass.  Such as sliding doors that cost 1200 bux each to replace.  So I found a solution.

I took a flat swivel doodle applicator.  Cut it to a 4 by 4 inch square.  Applied a repositional tack to it.  Then applied a soft glue to a soft cotton towel.  And applied a special plastic compositional abrasive.  Softer than glass but much tougher than the fungi.  The towels can be put on and off the plastic doodle a hundred times.  Further I can wet the window then scrub them off.  No need for razor blades.  While this is not a totally foolproof system (to avoid scratches from tempered glass with a problematic surface) it does work pretty well.

If you want in on this technology just call the Window Cleaning Resource.  I have a link on this blog.  

Written by Henry Grover Jr.

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