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Sunday, October 18, 2020

Plastic Abrasives For Sale

 This is the very next step for IGSA.  The sale of specialty products for the safe maintenance, restoration, and preservation of different glazing surfaces.  There are many plastic abrasive products out there.  Which I have been working on over the last several years.  There is one in particular that I am offering to the window cleaning industry.  It is softer than glass and most coated glass surfaces.  The angular cut is very good for digging through silicone caulk and paint.  It can be blended with different organic solvents that help by chemically softening silicone.  It is available at 15 USD and shipped by USPS.  I will be doing several videos on what I am calling P-Polish 1, or PP1.  If you want to try this out just send me your email address since I bill by PayPal right now.  Also your mailing or shipping address.

There are many different abrasive products out there.  They are based on several different types of plastic.  The shape of the particles are different too.  Some are round and quite smooth.  Some are angular and course for cutting.  The different plastics are of different harnesses too.  Some are very hard, whereas others can be rather soft.  The greatest advantage of plastic over organics such as walnut shell or corncob is that they will not absorb water and certain other fluids.  Water will soften organics making them very ineffective.  So plastic is definitely the better choice.  It is softer than glass and so is much less likely to scratch the window.

Another interesting product is what is called synthetic steel wool.  It is made from plastic fibers instead of steel or bronze fibers.  So again it is less likely to scratch!  I would classify the green, red, white, brown, and other colored pads as synthetic wool.  They are all different because of the design of the filaments, the size of the filaments, the type of plastic used, and especially whether or not the plastic filaments have been "loaded" with various mineral abrasive particles such as silica, silicon carbide, aluminum oxide, and even diamond.  If these particles are too large then the pad will scratch the glass.  Further if you use a pad that has not been tested with a restoration product, and scratches result, you will have no idea what caused the scratches.  The loaded particles or the superabrasive particles in the commercial hard water spot removal product.

All this is really just a continuation of other articles in this blog.  The major difference is that I will be doing much more testing and making available special products/ingredients that you cannot get from any other source.  Since I will not be identifying such products if a manufacturer decided they would like to pickup any of these products to sell they will be able to.  Since they will be able to own what we have discovered.

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Written by Henry Grover Jr.


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