The scratches shown here in this post were taken with my TAKMLY at about 50X magnification. This is a handheld microscope that connects by WiFi to my IPhone through the Max-See_d4fO app. The scratch patterns were from actual damage done in the field. The first thing you will notice is the difference between these pictures. Many things can be learned from the details. Which cannot be learned without a microscope. Such details are very valuable in determining the innocence of the window cleaning company. But only when compared to scratches with a known history. It is for this reseason that I have included the beginning of a compilatation of such "known" scatches. Meaning scratches caused by different sized particles, aluminum ladders, diamond rings, broken glass, rocks, greeny pads, etc.
If you look further down in this blog you will see how I have been able to make glass frictive or scratch sensitive. This process creates the same exact surface for generating all of the different types of scratches and more. A work like this has NEVER been undertaken. It is my hope that it will help to reveal what has been hidden for so long. And serve as a very practical tool even in court. I don't know howe many times I have recieved reports from window cleaners that were being sued over scratched glass issues. It is about time we stopped guessing about this and actually took a real good look at the animal! Well here is the animal people. Take a look.
This first picture appears to be of a wide scratch which is more of an abrasion than even a series of scratches all bunched together.
This is a very different type of scratch that is rather deep. Also whatever caused this scratch ended up removing slices of glass. Also for some reason it looks more "fluid". Maybe the reason for the difference betweenthis scratch and the one below it is speed. I am sure the tests I do will reveal at least some of the reasons.
The slices removed here were more like "chunks". Which were rather curvy. You can see a much smaller scratch right above the deep one. It appears very similar however. My guess would be whatever caused the first also caused the second. Just with a much lighter pressure.
Here you can see many smaller scratches, most running parrallel. So it appears to be am abrasion. Since there are many other scratches that don't follow the same pattern they were likely formed by a different means.
These scratches were likely formed by the same means. They also have a slight curve. So I am thinking they were formed by hand.
These scratches were rather straight. Going in different directions. Also of different thicknesses. So I am thinking they were formed by several different means. This is what the pattern shows. My guess is that none of the above scratches were formed with the aided of a razor and what I have called the ghost particle. Simply because the pattern of scratches would be parrallel and all be about the same thickness. If you think about it almost every time defective surfaces have the same sound when a razor is lightly passed over the window.
I have absolutely no clue exactly how these scratches were formed and by what means. But I will be creating scratches by different means and then taking micrographs of such scratches. But we can still learn certain things from these pictures. As I have described above.
Written by Henry Grover Jr.