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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Wiljers Xlite Scrubber Sleeve

There was a time when I scraped everything!  But times have changed.  No I never was sued for scratching a million in glass.  But I have read stories.  I also have scratched my share of glass.  With metal razors, plastic scrappers, and even 0000 steel wool.  These days I am VERY careful.  The first thing I do when starting a new job is to check the surface of the glass.  Is it defective and does it have any kind of a metallic high tech coating?  Surface analysis is an absolute must these days.  However even then it becomes necessary to adopt safer techniques then metal razors.  Yes there are times when razors are perfectly safe and absolutely necessary.  I still do use them myself.  But I am becoming more familiar with alternate techniques.  Such as the new Xlite from Wiljer Specialty Cleaning Products.  Here are a couple of pictures of my own personal Xlite Sleeve.

It was a snowy day and these pictures were taken on the trunk of my pretty blue Civic.  You can see the darker yellow fibers in the fabric.  These are hard and course.  Much harder then the other fibers.  Just on one side of the sleeve so you can flip it if you want.  They are great for scrubbing light dirt that you might want to blade.  So now you don't have to.  Just one more technique to make cleaning glass more safe.

The Xlite is definitely lighter than other sleeves.  But it does hold enough water for most larger windows.  I have been working with this sleeve for about two months now and have been rather satisfied with it.  If you would like to give it a go just give Richie a call and pick one up.

Wiljer Specialty Cleaning Products
34 Front Street - Box266
Indian Orchard MA 01151
Phone 413-543-5333

Written by Henry Grover Jr.

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